The moment of pleasure
Vinum Novum
The wine shop in the center of Lagundo offers a carefully chosen range of wines. The building, unimpressive from outside, has been hosting a wine shop for decades; its tenants however have aged with the building and were thinking about discontinuing their activity.
This was the perfect occasion for Martina Unterthurner and her partner Othmar Schweigl to realize their dream of an own wine shop with delicatessen. With this idea in mind, they got in touch with Nina Ulrich who was supposed to deal with the graphic design. New for old – that’s how the name VINUMnovum! came into being right at the first meeting.

Nina Ulrich is a long-time acquaintance and the proud owner of an EVA kitchen by Das Ganze Leben. She came up with the vision to harmonize the communication design and the interior concept of Sternbach in order to create a powerful draft for the new premises and the brand VINUMnovum! A good deal of persuading was needed at the beginning: the owners had a more cautious version in mind, they even thought about taking over the old furniture from the previous tenants.

But the enthusiasm for the new project has won the day: Together we dared to work on a more modern realization which is reflecting the owners’ passion and expertise in the furnishing, offering a stage for their high-quality products and enabling pleasant working conditions.

Red as red wine – that is the new business concept in a nutshell: wine shelves, entirely designed in red, in which 760 different labels or a total of 4.560 bottles can be placed, provide the necessary storage. These walls of stacked wine seem like a hiking path where the visitors can stroll along through different wine regions and make their choice. Just like the shelves, the counter is reduced to its essential and also made of birch plywood in wine-red.

On the wall, steel racks are suspended in air, where distillery products and delicatessen are presented. In a small kitchen, selected goodies are prepared, such as sandwiches with South Tyrolean ham, salami for the Piemont region and buffalo mozzarella from Calabria. The poser tables made of local larch wood function as small islands where visitors can enjoy the wine and the snacks in an informal atmosphere.

If the tables are arranged one against the other, they create a long and cozy dining table: perfectly adequate for convivial celebrations or the presentation of new products by young wine-growers – a series of events named “Wine Whisper,” launched by Martina and Othmar.
Sternbach was responsible for the entire interior concept of the premises, Nina Ulrich and her studio Designnomadin for the brand communication and the website.